INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS is a creative company that
pursues great entertainment

  • In order to make great games,
    great tools and a great work environment are essential.

    INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS began by supporting Nintendo game development from the very beginning. At first, development tools were required in order to develop the software. From there a strong partnership formed, with a shared desire to create great development tools for game developers. Confidence in our tools and a passion for making them contributed to the creation of our company and its environment. From our experience we believe that “great development tools and the expertise in using them, along with a great work environment, are essential for creating great games.”

  • INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS creates its own
    unique game development environment.

    INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS grew not only as a game developer, but as a game environment and development tool creator as well, resulting in our company gaining advanced technical knowledge and originality. Through our great partnership with Nintendo, we continue to be a driving force within the industry.

Main Office

TEL +81-75-671-3100
FAX +81-75-671-3105
10 Daimotsu-cho Kamitoba Minami-ku Kyoto-shi Kyoto-fu 601-8121 Japan